While in command mode (case sensitive)
- move the cursor with arrow keys; if there aren't any arrow keys, use j,k,h,l
- i - change to insert mode (before cursor)
- a - change to insert mode (after cursor)
- A - change to insert mode (at end of line)
- r - replace one character
- R - overwrite text
- x - delete one character
- dd - delete one line
- yy - yank line (copy)
- p - paste deleted or yanked text after cursor
- P - paste deleted or yanked text before cursor
- G - go to end of the file
- 1G - go to top of the file
- J - merge next line with this one
- / - search, follow / with text to find
- :wq - write file and quit
- :q! - quit without saving
- :%s/old/new/g - substitute; replace "old" with "new" on all lines
- :g/pattern/d - delete all lines that match the pattern
While in insert mode
- ESC - change to command mode
- any text typed is entered at the cursor
If you gave vi a whirl and don't dig it, give the nano editor a try.
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